Production of Social Media
Outline of the course
[muokkaa]Tiivistelmä suomeksi (Finnish Summary): Sosiaalisen median tuotannon kurssi on tarkoitettu pääasiassa Suomessa opiskeleville tutkinto- ja vaihto-opiskelijoille. Kurssikieli on kuitenkin englanti. Kurssi tutustuttaa omakohtaisen projektityöskentelyn avulla opiskelijat sosiaalisen median työkaluihin, alustoihin, käsitteisiin sekä teoreettisiin ja tutkimuksellisiin lähestymistapoihin.
Course code: HERI0304-0305 / University of Turku / European Heritage, Digital Media and the Information Society Master's Program
Credits: 10 ECTS Learning outcomes:
- Student is familiar with concept of social media
- Student can use web-based social media tools for one’s own work
- Student is able to produce base material for digital cultural project
- Student gains ability to identify and utilize appropriately sources of information for a research project
Course contents: Course consists of on-line assigments about social media and its digital tools. Optionally, course consists of research and digital material production for a digital cultural project with an external, non-academic partner.
Teaching methods: On-line course and examination or individual practical exercises and work
Assessment methods: Examination, team work presentations, grading: 0-5
Person in charge: Prof. Jaakko Suominen
Year of study, semester: 1st year, spring term, III-IV period
- Preliminary assigment is due 12 Feb
- "Live contact 1": 13 Feb 2013 10:15-11:45 in Turku, Tempo hall, Minerva Building, 2nd floor
- Introduction of the course, the teacher and the students
- Discussion based on the preliminary assigment: what do you know about social media and what do you want to learn
- Discussion on how to achieve course goals and personal aims
- Ideation on how to share preliminary knowledge, how to divide course into individual steps/works/assigments/projects and collaborative projects
- Individual and group working (how to proceed)
- Course readings, essays, group meetings etc.
- "Live contact 2": 17 Apr 2013 10:15-11:45 in Turku, Tempo hall, Minerva Building, 2nd floor
- A quick presentation of the project conducted so far
- Discussion on how to proceed after this
- Mini essays of course readings are due:
- Course assigment 1 is due:
- Course assigment 2 is due:
- etc.
Preliminary assigment
[muokkaa]It could be nice if you could do a small preliminary assignment for the Production of Social Media course: could you please write a 1-2 pages long paper on what do you know about social media and what would you like to learn about it. I hope that you could return the papers to me (via email) before 12th Feb.
Previous Knowledge
[muokkaa]Personal learning objectives
[muokkaa]What would you like to learn during the course, please add objectives here:
- Practical projects, cultural heritage institutions and how they could use social media
- globalization
- transnationalism
- learning about the measurement tools (what is happening in different social media, statistics, webometrics)
- How social media affects the daily life of people
Individual Benchmarking projects
[muokkaa]- Museums in Austria - Nina
- Cultural events in Turku - Leigh Ann
- How big Cultural Heritage Institutions present themselves in Social Media - Thomas
- Cultural Heritage in Facebook - Pages and Private Impressions - Nora
- Your own experience with cultural heritage as a user of social media (e.g. Facebook) - Nathalie
Tools for learning
[muokkaa]Learning diary / portfolio
[muokkaa]Use, if possible, a social media tool (a FB-page, a blog etc. for creating a learning diary). Please document, what you want to learn and what you have learn, describe assigments and projects you have conducted during the course and maybe link larger documents etc. Keep also track how much you have use hours for the course.
A Facebook group
[muokkaa]A Facebook group for a course for group discussion, timetables etc.
Facebook-Group Production of Social Media
Ideas for course assigments and projects
[muokkaa]Mu Pori o kaunis (My Pori is beautiful)
[muokkaa]Assigment type: Individual work + group discussion
Description: Get to know a Finnish Facebook group called "Mu Pori o kaunis" ( which is mainly for circulating beautiful photos from the city of Pori by different amateur photographers. Take a look of the group as a sort of outsider and as a researcher. How can you classify photos? What photos do seem to be popular and how do you explain popularity? Can you find similar groups or phenomena related to your hometown? In which various ways the photos are connected to cultural heritage and history? Please write a 1-2 page long miniessay of those issues and comment on others' essays at least twice.
Impressions of "Mu Pori o kaunis" written by Nora
Comparing two city photoblogs written by Leigh Ann
A Sports tracker and cultural heritage
[muokkaa]Assigment type: Group work (for two groups)
Description: Make a concept plan for a service with combines a sports tracker (find information of them if needed), cultural heritage as content (in a way or another) and maybe some other social media service such as Facebook or Pinterest as well. Make a short video about your concept plan and link the video to YouTube or to some other social media video platform.
Theoretical Research:
- Research Paper: "My city - my brand: the different roles of residents in place branding" - Leigh Ann
- Research Paper: "Cultural Heritage Layers: Integrating Historic Media in Augmented Reality" - Nathalie
Practical Research:
- Photosharing Website (see "Mu pori o kaunis") - Leigh Ann & Nora
- Sports Tracking Application - Thomas & Nina
- Tracking and Cultural Heritage - Nina & Nathalie
Further reading
[muokkaa]- Katri Lietsala and Esa Sirkkunen: Social Media - Introduction to the tools and processes of participatory economy: (2008)
- Read the book briefly and write a 2-3 pages long essay about it where you describe, what was new what you learned from the book. Send the essay to course teacher by email. The assigment is due: XX
- Heritage and Social Media. Understanding heritage in a participatory culture, Edited by Elisa Giaccardi, 2012 (some more information
- Read the introduction of the book. After that, choose one chapter, make a short summary of it, paste it here and organize a meeting with the other students where you all teach the main points of the articles to the others and have conversation of the book. The assigment is due:
Chapter 10: Mobile Ouija Boards (Prezi) - Leigh Ann
Production of Social Media/Chapter 4 - Nathalie
Connecting to Everyday Practices/Chapter 7 - Nina
MOSAICS AND MULTIPLES - Online digital photography and the framing of heritage/Chapter 9 - Nora
- Additional reading: Paul Wilson and Patrick McEntaggart (Eds.) (2012): Navigating Landscapes of Mediated Memory:
Potential extra assigment
[muokkaa]Evaluation of an English website of a Finnish national park from the perspective of social media (more info later)